
Download and install .NET 8 Runtime.
Windows: Download .NET 8 Runtime for Windows
Linux: Install .NET 8 Runtime on Linux
MacOS: Download .NET 8 Runtime for Mac


1. Follow this link to download the installer.
2. Chose your favorite Operating System.
3. Enter your email address.
4. Make sure to read and consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
5. Pass the anti-robot verification.
6. Press on Confirm button to obtain the setup file.

Installation: Windows

1. Go to the folder with downloaded installation file.
2. Double-click on the App.Installer.msi to initiate installation.
3. Click on the Next button in the opened window.
4. Make sure to read and accept the terms in the License Agreement and hit Next.
5. Chose the installation scope.
6. Continue with the statndard setup procedure.

Installation: Linux

1. Go to the folder with downloaded installation file.
2. Run the terminal inside this folder.
3. Type sudo apt install ./LOGOS-linux-x64.deb and hit Enter.

Installation: MacOS

1. Go to the folder with downloaded installation file.
2. Double-click on the downloaded .zip file to open it.
3. Drag the unzipped into your Applications folder.

Starting the program

Windows: go to your desktop and double-click on the LOGOS application icon.
Linux: click on Show Apps button in the OS and chose the LOGOS application icon.
MacOS: go to the Applications folder, right click on the LOGOS icon and chose Open, the click on Open in the dialog.


If you have forgotten the meaning of a button, simply hover your mouse over it and wait until a tooltip appears.

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